Tuesday 21 June 2011


20 June 2011
Press Release..


We, National Democratic Party for Human Rights (NDPHR) (exile)-Headquarters based in the
United States of America and the South East Asia Regional Office in Malaysia, would like to
express our concern over Burma's regime’s installation of the worst proportion of inhuman pogrom
against ethnic minorities in Burma. Particularly of the Rohingyas in western border of Burma
through out the forced labour, force eviction, forced extortion, forced extermination, forced
relocation, torture, extra judicial killings, rape, model village settlement, restriction on their
movement and freedom of worship, education, social and business development Rohingya
refugees which make continuous flow of refugees. Hence the Rohingya Burmese refugees are
languishing under the traumatic mistreatments around the world specifically in Bangladesh,
Thailand, Malaysia and Suadi Arabia.

As Rohingya refugees are Burma's first refugees and defined as the world most oppressed group,
the plights received international attention and UNHCR's supports thereupon global leaders have
yet to pave solution for the plights.

In Bangladesh, the situation is cramp and the government restricts aid of Rohingya. About 28,000
Rohingya Burmese refugees are in squalid at the UNHCR runs camps of Kutupalong and
Nayapara in southern district of Cox’s Bazar, have been there for three decades, and about 30,000
Rohingyas in unregistered camp are for years. While no one know how the rest about 250,000
Rohingyas in outside refugee camps are surviving. The UNHCR has resettled less than thousand
Rohingyas from the registered camps since the year 2006. The enormous problems in Bangladesh
are direct impacts on vulnerable Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. Despite having well knowledge
of the world on repatriated refugees, UNHCR and Bangladeshi government have still uphold to
establish agreement with Burma for involuntary repatriation of Rohingya refugees. We would like
to call upon Bangladesh itself depends on funds, should not ban international aid of the other and
to respect non-refoulement and customary laws.

The expression of majority willing to repatriate by UNHCR in Aug 1994 was flawed after MSF
survey in March 1995 revealed that 63% did not want to repatriate. Therefore we deeply concern
for processing of repatriation of Rohingya refugees which advantages on their malnutrition or
starvation, stuck, with other stimulation by offers.

In Thailand, recent repeated mistreatments towards Rohingya boat people show Thai-authorities
barbarous commitment of genocide crimes against humanity and defiance against international
communities and international laws. Thai army and Internal Security Operation Command-ISOC
are responsible for misconception of the Rohingya as threat to Thai national security.
That lead in March 2008, Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej attempted to explore a deserted island
to place Rohingya refugees living in Thailand, Bankok Post Paper on 28 March 2008.
Again in Dec 2008, total about 1116 Rohingya and some Bangladeshi boat people were towed into
international waters and more than half were feared dead including firing, some were shot dead on
boat and some were thrown over boat to drown.

Current PM Abhisit Vejjajiva had promise to hold all those involved to account. Instead of
investigation to bring into account or compensation for those lost of lives, Thai PM is still upheld
its authorities to treat rank-less behaviour towards vulnerable boat people.
Again in Jan 2011, three boats of Rohingya refugees landed over the weekend of January in
Southern Thai-waters, were similarly pushed back into international waters. A group 91 persons
rescued near India-Andaman Island and another group 129 persons rescued near Indo-Acheh.
We therefore would like to urge international community to take action on Thai-authority and PM
for pursuing similar crimes.

In Saudi Arabia, Rohingyas been there for five decades and still facing arrests, detentions and
forceful deportations, and exempt from basic rights. They are living mostly in Makkah, Jeddah and
Madina in poor conditions. Even though Former King Abdullah had showed a little favour towards
their plights, detention of Rohingyas is slightly increased from 5,000 persons estimated in 2008
Oct who were nab from Mecca and Jeddah. Those detainees were forced to accept to
say Bangladeshi and several hundreds were deported to Bangladesh in this manner. They are kept
without adequate foods and equipments in dilapidated buildings by guarding due to overcrowding
in prisons and failure of deportation. Most of them are in inhuman situation and suffering from
types of diseases, shortage of food and in non hygienic and squalid environment. Half of those
detained in dilapidated building had been escaped. This kind of treatments are totally unexpectable
in Muslim kingdom of Saudi Arabia therefore we would like to call Saudi Arabia to show
humanity towards its Muslim brothers and at least they must be protected under Islamic universal

In Malaysia, Rohingyas is the first among Burmese refugee groups. Rohingya refugees in
Malaysia have been languishing more than two decades in limbo with lack of basic needs.
Malaysia is not a signatory country therefore Rohingya refugees are still subject to arrest,
detention and other abuses. Current UNHCR representative has yet to explore assistance of widow,
over aged and sick Rohingyas, Rohingya families whose husband are kept in Australian
detentions, registration of unregistered Rohingyas whose data were collected since the mid-2009,
fair and equal opportunity in resettlement quota. Because there are less than 250 Rohingyas found
in UNHCR resettlement, about 43,000 refugees from Malaysia in the past decade. Compare to the
past years UNHCR has able to get release of refugee detainees from some detentions. But it does
not mean they are protected. There are still swapped in raids and hundreds of unreported
numbers are still languished and detained in dehumanized conditions where UNHCR service not
explore or access. 
The Malaysian government is also still silent on Home Minister said in Feb
2010 that the refugees to be allowed to work was being considered while waiting to be resettled in
third countries. We would like to call Malaysian government to corporate to find permanent
solution for the plights of Rohingyas refugees in Malaysia and to upgrade its detention system.
Repressions of oppressed Rohingya refugees in host countries became one of the issues
why Rohingya refugees in neighboring countries are busy to find a safe place through risky

We see secondary movements of Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh to Malaysia and
Rohingya refugees in Malaysia departing for Australia because they expect to find more secure
and safe place. From the year 2006, we escalated that total Rohingyans landed to Australia from
Malaysia are; 8 Rohingyans by a boat in Aug 2006, 42 Rohingyans by four different boats in
between September to Dec 2009, 98 Rohingyans and 8 different ethnic Burmeses by six different
boats in between March to October 2010 and recently 18 Rohingyans landed near Ashmore
Reef by a boat on 12 May 2011. This last group was told that they would be transferred to where
they came from and they are kept separately for final decision near North West Point Immigration
Detention Centre of Christmas Island. One of the key reasons of their arrival was after the talk of
swap deal. We urge Malaysian government not to accept this 18 Rohingya men as Malaysia is not
in position to fulfill their basic needs and Malaysia has yet to settle existing Rohingya cases.

108 Rohingyans landed by a boat in Pulau Kendi, off Penang on 4 March 2007, were detained in
Juru detention camps and half of them were deported to Burma border through voluntary
corporation with Thai. The rest were langusihed for fear of repatriation so that they were finally
handed over to human traffickers in Malays-Thai border.
A few of trafficked in fishing boat were landed in Terenganu beach in Oct 2007 after broke down
the engine. They were detained in Ajil detention camp and some accessed UNHCR's intervention.
93 Rohingyans landed by a boat in Kedah in Mrch 2010 after received aid from Thai. They were
detained prolong then finally some got UNHCR's intervention.
Some of those Thai pushed back Rohingya boat people in Indonesia captured in Malay-waters in
March 2010, were detained prolong and a few were met UNHCR accessement.

We also found that Rohingya boat people asylum-seekers in Australian detentions are being the
longest group and treated unequally in visa processing and then detained inappropriately by
advantaging on security checks despite Australia has well understanding about Rohingya position
and Australia itself is one of the country which advocate for their plights and contributed for the
welfare of Rohingyas both in home and exile. Such prolong detention contracts psychological
torture and affects mental and then that bruise their families left behind. On the consequences of
pressure so far 32 of 42 Rohingya refugees arrival in 2009 were released after averagely detained
13 months, the rest six persons in Northern Immigration Detention Centre (NIDC), 3 persons in
Villawood and one person in Maribyrnong detentions are still languishing in limbo. Including two
of them; Mr Habiburahman is head and Mr Sayad Kasim is Joint Secretary of NDPHR (exile)
South East Asia Regional Office based in KL, Malaysia, have been detaining now in 18 months in
NIDC. Their lives in Malaysia were risked and they both had been personally experienced with
arrests, detentions and deportation to human traffickers in Malay-Thai border.

We acknowledged their detention is worst than mandatory detention as mandatory detention has a
mandate with key values which ensure fair and humane treatment. The period of their detention
excessive length of proper process while thousands of clients who arrived lately and faking
Rohingya cases were already released. Unfortunately, such indefinite detention doesn't import
the way to have good conduct and good order in Australian society. They proved their identities
received UNHCR-Malaysia but their cases are still hanging for puppet security checks regardless
of government notice released on 17 March 2011. There is no Rohingya threat to Burmese society
or other country. Rohingya community in Burma have been terrorized at least five decades by
terror military government. Moreover, they are bounded in the cycle of arrests, detentions,
deportations and other brutal abuses in neighbouring countries. Therefore, their detention is
nothing more than arbitrary detention of innocent refugees.

We concerns seriously for prolong detention of the world most oppressed Rohingya refugee
asylum-seekers detained in Australia and Australia as a leader in humanitarian fields and that uplift
international laws, should not detained inappropriately, nor materialize the swap deal to send back
Rohingya refugee boat people asylum-seekers to the country where is not safe for refugees and
asylum-seekers even for legal migrants. Despite boat people issue in Australia brought to a hot
debate by politicians, their rights in Australian territory should not be deprived for political
interaction. This is nothing more than degrading of Australia's human rights record and letting to
mess-up the situation.
In summary we also would like to call international communities to encourage UNSC to take
action unexceptionally on military regime. Burma's neighbouring countries or its associations does
not import security and safety of the Burmese people therefore there is nothing to rely on them.

Thank you,

Executive Committee
National Democratic Party for Human Rights (NDPHR), exile
Headquarters, United States of America
For media contact:
Kyaw Soe Aung Te: +14147364273

Friday 10 June 2011

Thai-backed port to displace 10,000

DVB,  9 June 2011
Location of Tavoy, where the port project is being built (DVB)

The Thai industrial giant behind a controversial deep-sea port project in Burma said on Wednesday that 10,000 people would have to leave their homes to make way for the development.

Ital-Thai Group is in charge of building and attracting investors to the Tavoy Development Project, which is set to transform a sleepy strip of southern coastline with a deep-sea port and 250 sq km industrial estate.

The company confirmed the project would uproot local people, but insisted the villagers would be well catered for with new settlements.

‘There is a population of only a little more than 10,000 people that have to be relocated,’ said Premchai Kanasuta, president of Italian-Thai Development, the subsidiary in charge of the project.
Concerns about human rights and the environment have been raised about the scale and nature of the port plans because of a lack of regulation in Burma, which remains military-dominated despite a new nominally-civilian parliament.

The 10-year, US$8 billion (S$9.8 billion) project will include a steel mill, fertiliser plant, a coal-fired power station and oil refinery.

Monday 6 June 2011

Confiscations, Destructions and Muslims Locations in Arakan Up to Year 2010

By Habib,

1. Sittwe/Akyab: Confiscations, Destructions and Muslims Locations Up to Year 2010

Akyab is one of the 3rd largest Muslim population after Maungdaw and Buthidaung. It reached to two third prior to and during British emperor and Rohingya dialect became a main language for social and commercial dealings. Presently, there are 72 muslim villages consisting Rohingya, Kaman and Rakhine muslims and the rest about 50 Rakhine villages.

Apart from destructions and causalities in 1784, 1942, 1949 and 1978, list of confiscations & demolishings after  1978 are as follows;
1) Rohingyas who resided in the town, near by market areas and along Mawlake and Ambalar main roads were moved to farer places for various concerns including requirements such as zinc roofing, fence, taxes and other huge legal responsibilities.

2) The old Thatkaybyin (Sakki Fara) village demolished in 1990 when Win Myint promoted as a Rakhine state command-commander who later became the third secretary of Burma and died in an accident in Mawlamyine. The village was replaced by Military Missile Force, (818)-Military Camp, Military Communication Camp-(4) and Training Field.

3) The old Santole village was demolished in 1990 and relocated at the back side of Sittwe Lake (Kandawgyi). And fishery factories and stored ports  was replaced there and named as industrial park.

4) Some houses of Holtaung (Buhar fara), along the both sides of the Mayu road, were seized in the late 1990 and built there Buddhist Museum completed in 1997 and  Lawkananda Pagoda completed in 1999.

5) Half of the both West and East Sanpya (Baasara Fara) were relocated in new Thatkaybyin in 1990 including some farming lands seized for the Golf Mart expenditure.

6) Rohingya farming lands of Daapaine (Thae Chaung) were used to expend local Rakines village of  Shwe Min Gan in later of 1990.

7) The half land of the biggest central Mosque was seized and built the Cultural Museum completed in 1997.

8) The areas today called Ye new Su (Derum fara), located police residential area, was Rohingya farming lands confiscated in 1978, and utilized later of 1990.

9) The area of New College completed in 2000 was the lands of Bumay (Furang fara) village. And the new GTC college area was belong to the Fyalikchaung villagers. Most of the farming lands between Fyalikchaung Fara and Shabok Fara were seized for further.

10) In 2001 Feb 5, Four houses had been burnt down  in the riot between Rohingya and Rakhine in Aungmingala (Mole fara). The next day on 6 Feb 2001, about 22 houses along Nazi road side of Konden ward, were fired into ashes. Military had introduced Martial-law for both area before the riot but it did not stop aggression behaviors. And arrested about hundred of Rohingya youths including acting leaders. Those burnt down areas were seized and villagers were relocated in Santole and  New Thatkaybyin.

11)All of environmental creeks were seized since 1990 and used for military income and tender back to Rohingya in every year.

12) The area today built up there City Hall was seized during Nagamin Operation but the building was completed in 1998.

13) A shrine mosque Buddar Mukan (Bodumuhun), which was built in 1756 for the memory of Saint (Fakir) according to The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland © 1894 Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.  ( http://www.jstor.org/pss/25197219
It is situated near by East Sanpya (East Basara Fara). The two rocks lap each other found in front of the shrine and two caves used for meditation by Saint. They were seized since 1978 but not demolished yet. But,  the farming lands near by there were Rohingyas and located Navy camp before 1990. Now, replaced military training school and the building is  locked in the compound. Muslims were  allowed to worship until 1990.

14) Another shrine Baziaraa mosque, tomb and pound are situated the southern part of Sittwe Lake (Kandawgyi) and muslim village near by it was Sanggana fara. According to Rohingya villager, this mosque was also built in a bit later time of Bandar Mokan. Despite the village and this mosque were seized in about 1985, muslims were allowed to pray until 1990. later it was locked and used as Military Camp. Authority also do not dare to destroy this mosque as it was built after that area appeared as a sign of the edge of Sittwe.

2. Kyauktaw: Confiscations, Destructions and Muslims Locations Up to Year 2010

The population of muslim before 1942 in Kyauktaw was about 70% of total population of Kyauktaw but now dropped at less than 25%.

Distruction and Confiscation;
1) Manaegya fara (market area) in the main of the town,  muslim houses were reduced slowly by replacing Rakhines, monasteries, and expansion of market lots. The progress started since 1967. Now, no Muslim allow to hold shop unit in the market area, but some shops exist at the outside of the market area, even though the earlier business establishers were originally
muslim. Now, no more Rohingya remained in this main village.

2)Rungsu fara in Dok-kan-chaung Rakhine village and Borgua fara in Boseingya village with mixed of a few Hindhu residents, were replaced by Rakhines in 1967. And many farming lands in Dokkanchaung, Ambare, Boseingya were confiscated but retained later only half of the Ambare lands in about 1969-70 after one of the villager met with president general Saw Maung.

3) Sangadaung  village was demolished in 1976 and built there the Sugar Mill in 1982. The villagers were relocated in Falom fara. Again in 1995, both new settlers of Sangadaung and the villagers of Falom fara were forcefully moved to 7 miles farer area. But, all villagers came back and settled near by the edge of the old Falom-fara.

4) Kanpaw fara in Rakhine Paik-tay-yet was destructed to pave space for new bridge project but Rakhines are still allowed to stay. The villagers were relocated near by Futakhale fara where is a creek call Kanta Chaung.

5) Between 1992 and 2006, many irrigation farming lands both in table areas in; Falom fara, Khondol Barwa fara (Khaungdok Alay Kyuan), Bazar fara, Nai-raung fara (Radanapon) and beach side areas in Aapawa (Aa-fok), Foeyda fara, Haine fara, Guu-taung bazzar, Ambare fara, Boseingya fara, were confiscated for Sugar plant  plantations. The owner of animals got fine for their animals entering into these plantations and many animals were seized as well.


3. Mrauk Oo @ Mrohaung: Confiscations, Destructions and Muslims Locations Up to Year 2010

Mrauk Oo (formerly known as Mrohaung). There is another a small town call Minbya township situated opposite side of Mrauk Oo, was also counted Mrauk Oo territory. But at the present the sate Rakhine/Arakan is expended up to 20 towns from 17 towns. So, Minbya is considered as separate town.

22 Muslim Villages of Mrauk Oo Territory:
In Mrauk Oo: Pound Dok @ Fun-du-kul, Pa-rein @ Bolti Fara, Fee-fa-runk, Desh Fara @ Tha-rak-cho, Zula Fra and opposite Ze-zah- Fara, San-daung, Kum fara, Shi-sha-reit, Fu-tha-lon, Fu-Le-yaung,
In Minbya: Fike Mraung @ Pann mraung- mix of Hindunisms and Rakhines, Faw-sa Fra, Lom-bow-shaw, Taw-daine @ Aung Daine, Fok Fara, Saam-ma-lee, Zai-la fara (fishery village), Khim fara, Halim Fara, Sai-Tha Fara and some sparsely in Minbya town.

Existing Ancient Mosque
Alam Lashkar Mosque built by Mrauk Oo King's army officer during Mrauk Oo dynasty, in Pann Mraung (Fike Mraung)  village of Minbya. It is still only one existing ancient mosque.
       ( yet to be located)

Destruction and Confiscation of other Ancient Mosques;
3) In 1993, Aung Daine village and Nyung Pin Zay village near by jetty, only Rohingya houses from Shit Taung including Shwedah Qazi Mosque, were demolished and relocated at Kwan Lon (Kha-wa-lon @ Mandarabyin) village. And the places were replaced with  Electric Station and house lots for military

4) In the middle of 1994, Aa-Lae-Zay @ Shwe Gu Daung village including Nan Oo Mosque, Kwan Lon (Kha-wa-lon @ Mandarabyin) plus Sandhi Khan Mosque, Ponna Mraung village, were demolished by Military forces-540.
The villagers about 10,000 Rohingyas were forcefully lifted to Maungdaw town. Some Kwan Lon villagers who escaped had tried to resettle in own village by rebuilding temporary tents, were also lifted to Maungdaw town.
The villagers' lands were replaced with Military Forces-540, Military Forces-377 and Environmental Projects.

5) Maung Tha Gon (Rwa Handaa Fara) village including Musa Pali Mosque were demolished in about 1983. The villagers were relocated to Kan Paw village and their lands were replaced with model village of Rakhines and military purposes.

6) Farming lands of Paung Do (Fun-du-Kol) villagers were seized and replaced with Military Forces-378 but the village was not demolished up to year 2010.

More details::
3) Shwe Dah Qazi Mosque (Gold Sword Qazi mosque), built by Qazi Abdul Karim who awarded gold sword by Burman king Bodaw Pya,  situated in Shit Taung (Kyit Taung, mean 80,000) village. It was demolished in 1993. .....

4) stone structure Sandhikhan mosque built in 1433 by Muslim army Sandhikhan of Bengal who came to help enthrone king Narameikhla(The founder of Mrauk-U dynasty), in Kwan Lon (Kha-wa-lon @ Mandarabyin) village of Mrauk Oo, was demolished in 1994. The stone blocks and teaks beside the mosque were forcefully carried by Rohingya carts and used in expansion of  Buddhist monastery of Shwe Taung village.

4) Nan Oo Mosque and Nantha Tank with stone embankment, in Aa-Lae-Zay(Shwe Gu Taung) village, near by hospital and palace office, was demolished in 1994 but Nantha pound(tank) still exists.

5) stone structure Majah Pali @ Musa Pali Mosque with its big pond in the eastern, were built in 1513-15 in Kan Paw village, by an Indian missionary Musa in the time of 9th king of Mrauk U 1513-1515 A.D. It stands Maung Tha Gon Village, Mrauk-U and demolished in about 1983.