Thursday 12 March 2015

Rohingya Global Protest held in Kuala Lumpur

Source Rvision, 11 March
statement detail through the link here

Kuala Lumpur (Rohingya Vision) — The Rohingya people in Malaysia joined hands in solidarity with the Rohingya people demonstrating worldwide today demanding the government of Myanmar to restore the full citizenship status of the Rohingya and to end the ongoing atrocities against the people in the Arakan state of Myanmar.

Rohingyas in Malaysia Join Worldwide Rohingya Demonstrations

The protesters demanded "restore indigenous rights of Rohingyas, restore their Citizenship without any verification as they are by birth citizens, give them Suffrage and stop the ongoing genocidal acts against Rohingyas in Arakan State, Myanmar."

Furthermore, they requested the international community to give the necessary attentions to their plight and help them solve the problems for durable solutions.

(For more pictures:

The protests was organized by Mr. Mohammed Sadek, Director of Rohingya Arakanese Refugee Committee (RARC); Mr. Mohammed Rafique, Chairman of Ethnic Rohingya Committee Arakan (ERCA); Ust. Jaaber, President of Majlis Ulama Rohingya (MUR); and some other Rohingya activists. Around 50 Rohingyas participated in the event!

The protests started from 10:00AM and successfully ended around 12:00 Noon after the submission of the memorandum to the Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

Further demands by the joined global Rohingya demonstrations named Global Rohingya Campaign (RGC) are mentioned in the statement or memorandum shown below.

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