Save Rohingya from annihilation
We, the undersigned Rohingya organisations express our serious concern on the continued military and police crackdown on the civilian population in Northern Arakan.
Since 9 October, under the pretext of looking for attackers, the Myanmar military and police forces have been indiscriminately killing the Rohingya, torching and plundering their homes and villages. Two mass graves were found and about 100 Rohingya civilians were extra-judicially killed that included old men, women and children. At least 5 Rohingya villages were set ablaze destroying many houses or whole villages.
The grave situation has caused many Rohingya to flee their villages. An estimated 5000 Rohingya have been internally displaced causing great humanitarian disaster. Due to curfew order and blockade, there is an acute shortage of food, medicine, and other essentials. The situation is exponentially worsening. It is a violation of international law and Geneva Convention.
Whilst these crimes against humanity have been manifestly committed by the joint armed forces with impunity, the authorities, as a part of an evil design, are spreading lies to the media that "Bengalis" -- a racial slur in reference to the Rohingya people—are burning down their own houses to leave the international community in a state of confusion.
We are disappointed by the recent statement of the EU and request them to make an objective assessment of the situation on the ground and help the victims of human rights violations on humanitarian grounds.
We also request the State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to intervene into the matter and put an end to the military crackdowns on the civilian population.
In the face of the current humanitarian disaster, we urge upon UN with the international community:
(a) To provide full protection to the helpless Rohingya community in Northern Arakan;
(b) To provide the victims with necessary humanitarian assistance, including healthcare;
(c) To investigate the whole extent of the event and bring those responsible to justice.
Last not least, we are a peace-loving people believe in peaceful co-existence. And we demand a peaceful resolution to the crisis.
1. Arakan Rohingya National Organisation
2. Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
3. Bradford Rohingya Community in UK
4. Burmese Rohingya Community in Denmark
5. Burmese Rohingya Association Japan
6. Burmese Rohingya Community in Australia
7. Canadian Burmese Rohingya Organisation
8. Rohingya Arakanese Refugee Committee
9. Rohingya Community in Germany
10. Rohingya Community in Switzerland
11. Rohingya Community in Finland
12. Rohingya Community in Italy
13. Rohingya Community in Sweden
14. Rohingya Organisation Norway
15. Rohingya Society Netherlands
16. Rohingya Society Malaysia
For more information, please contact:
Tun Khin (Mobile): +44 7888714866
Ko Ko Lin (Mobile): +880 1726068413
Nay San Lwin(Mobile): +49 69 26022349

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