Thursday 30 March 2017

Leaning to be Fascists

Source maungzarni, 28 march

Learning to be Fascists, victims, and bystanders (and everything in-between).

We learn to love, hate, kill, slaughter, rape, torture, etc. 

This picture which hangs on an exhibit hall of the Hollywood-designed Oscar Schindler's museum (formerly his factory, now a must-see museum in Krakow, within a few minutes' walk from the walled Jewish ghetto).

My Polish sociologist guide taught me something really perceptive using this photo:. 

Learning to submit completely - 

the Jewish victims of Nazi - Polish Jews in the Nazi-occupied Poland - were taught to behave rather submissively whenever they encountered SS or Gestapo members. For behaving otherwise would result in their death.

Here an Orthodox Jewish man stood with complete docility while a group of SS or Gestapos stopped him and humiliated him in full of of the public. 

Learning to be sadistic human monsters - with a small 'm'

ordinary Germans who joined the Nazi security forces learned to behave as perpetrators, sadists, torturers, executioners, rapists, looters, robbers, etc. The more sadistic the better for your career prospects within the Nazi ladder. They learned that they enjoyed BLANKET IMPUNITY to do anything to the marked population GROUPS. 

Notice a few Nazi men in uniform posing gleefully for camera with their Jewish victim. 

Learning to be indifferent bystanders 

Poles and others whom in the Nazi ideology were borderlines Aryans (those who had potentials to be at the bottom of race hierarchy in the Nazi system as labourer population) learned to behave indifferent towards a situation which they knew was grossly barbaric. For showing kindness and acting on this kindness towards the members of the marked population, namely their local Jewish friends, neighbors, etc. as well as Roma gypsies, etc. would invite collective punishment of their own Polish families, friends, etc.

In the photo a few Polish men looked on, wearing the faces of indifference. 

Nazism and Nazi behaviours were "taught", through punishment and reward systems. 

No human social organisation is immune from this kind of Pavlovian condition. 

In my view, the Burmese society is undergoing this experience re; Rohingya victims of state terror, social ostracism/exclusion and the emerging sadistic culture of those who call themselves "Buddhists".

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