this report is prepared for the record of Rohingya..
the Burmese Rohingya Crisis
Refugee Day
June 2014
by Habib
by M.S.K Jilani (USA) & Sadek (Malaysia)
National Democratic Party for Human Rights (NDPHR-exile), would like
to raise serious concern over ongoing humanitarian crises of Arakan
which is heavily contributed by the quasi-civilian government.
outstanding Rohingya problem is being an issue of massive atrocities
and crimes against humanity that remain unsolved like before. This is
just a part of the central ruler's rigorous objective of
Burmanization and Buddization and ongoing systematic abuses are
considered to be ethnic-cleansing with the action of genocide that
are indeed serious concerning for security, safety and existence of
the attacks against muslims of Arakan are very vigilant since
military came into power from 2nd March of 1962, Rohingya have been
slowly driven out from homelands, strucking-off from every
political, social, economic chapter and citizenship even to become
new citizen or aliens or foreigner under new citizenship act. It is
total denial of the right to have rights and recognition of Rohingya,
is the government's latest attempt to completely expel the Rohingya
from homeland and termination either. The country rulers have
succeeded its constitutional task of expulsion of Rohingya in several
occasions. Progressively, similar pogrom will be launched on other
minorities, soon. The government has three main objectives behind the
pogrom of ethnic cleansing; to keep the Arakan under its military
rule with the claim of unstable situation, to establish non-muslim
state and to Burmanize the Rakhine people. While Rakhine people have
own objective to establish Rakhine Independence state throughout
disadvantaging with racial enmity.
central governments' direct involvement in full repression and
forceful eviction operations against Rohiongya minority are recorded
commonly in 1967, 1978, 1991 and mass killings of Rohingya
youths from Maundaw in 1994/95 and 2002. The latest state sponsor
pogrom over Rohingya and Kaman muslims of Arakan and later expansion
up to across central Burma, is quite similar crises that occurred in
1942 and 1949 which were led by the top nationalist leaders. This
pogrom is jointly sponsored by the country ruler and organized by its
authorities, nationalist politicians, bias academics, radical monks,
naughty Rakhine businessmen and extremist Rakhine people who do not
satisfy with the existences of Rohingya despite Rohingyas have been
long rooted in Arakan date back to 7th Century AD.
ethnic cleansing against defenseless unarmed Rohingya in Arakan from
June 2012 following
a huge misinformation and fabrication on the situation.. The
government doesn't willing to normalize the situation nor restored
peace and stability. The government and Rakaine state minster who is
also Rakhine people party-RNDP's leader and high-ranking authorities
are officially preventing supplying food and or finding or managing
foods of Rohingya victims. Local
journal and online news, Rakhine- politicians, monks, historians and
teachers are openly declaring that they could not share their lands,
waters, foods and any resource for Rohingya, not any more. High
ranking authorities said that they don’t want to see any Kala in
the town and Rohingya or Bengali or Kala could not be owner of
anything in Burma. Now, authority are replacing Rakhine people in
Rohingya lands which were burnt down.
the world is silently listening the echo of the military government
that has quieted the 60 million population for five decades, wisely
pretends to be uncontrollable the situation while the local jingoist
media sided to neglect the ongoing violence by repeating to blame
with a fabricated murder case of individual whereas the kangaroo
court additionally contributed by instantly handing down the decision
of death sentence upon the victims of suspected murders without
justification and accessing of legal procedures.
there is no mechanism has yet able to enhance the country ruler to
halt such abuses, abide by international norms and even to normalize
the situation. Instead, the quasi-civilian ruler is praised in the
name of the so call democracy transition which allows open genocide
President Thein Sein has characterized the events as 'communal
violence, a deliberately misleading term designed to conceal the
State's involvement in the massacres of the Rohingyas and placate and
curtail intl pressures and undermine the crises.
Obviously, the government’s involvement and contributions into the
crisis are very clear based on:
Allowing security forces to shoot the Rohingyas, not arresting a
single armed Rakhine.
Seizing lands of Rohingyas which were burnt down and disposing them
into concentration camps.
Blocking aid and foods, attacking aid workers then compelling to die
from starvation.
Denying their rights to have rights such as medicare, education,
relocation, movement.
President Thein Sein asking the United Nation to relocate Rohingya
in a third country.
Fabricating false news: the local Burmese news groups and
anti-Rohingya bloggers are able to report the way they like and play
a major role of bias through inciting anti-Rohingya propagandas and
portraying the Rohingyas as they want and provide reverse
Forcing to accept foreigner identity in the mid of humanitarian
the beginning of the violence in June 2012, Rohingyas are
additionally rendered to homeless from stateless, shelter-less and
letting to die from starvation by central government while arbitrary
abuses such as summary execution, extortion, arrest and detention.
Again, Rohingyans those came out from homes were brutally beaten and
slaughtered and those fleeing were shot fires regardless of women or
children. Plus, sexual abuses, looting goods and cash.. The authority
had not arrested a single Rakhine those violently involved in the
riots and dozens of street people Rakhines those detained from Sittwe
and Kyaukatw were also released within a week. As well as, acting
Rakhine leaders and local security forces who are also Rakhine are
jointly attacked against defenseless unarmed Rohingyans. A few
Rakhines those apprehanded from Sittwe, Kyauktaw and Maungdaw were
also released after days. Beside, police authority are arresting
Rohingya elders and youths from every village of Sittwe, Maungdaw,
Rathedaung and Kyauktaw townships and framing them with false
after ignorence of noble
laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and
of her party members including 88 generation spokesman Ko Ko Gyi,
monks and Rakhine leaders to
actively portray the wrong image of Rohingya and incite
widely throughout
leaflets and delivering speeches across all over Arakan.
June and 20th
2012, the
death toll of Rohingyan exceeds 10,000 from Sittwe township alone and
a few thousands covering from Maungdaw, Rathedaung and Kyauktaw
townships. Most of them were shot dead, brutally beaten to death,
burnt alive and killings of thousands of the rest of those taken away
by security forces into hidden areas. About 16,000 of Rohingya houses
and at least (57) mosques from (70) villages across (8) different
towns of Sittwe,
Maungdaw, Rathedaung, Kyauktaw, Rambre, Myebon, Pauktaw and
Ponnagyuan townships were
burnt down and more than (100,000) Rohingyas are displaced and
shelter-less in these regions. Some evidence photos are available on
the flicker. Additionally
from 20 Oct 2012,
the vigilant attacks by Rakhine people caused-about (6,000) houses
plus at least (35) mosques were burnt down and about (1,000) people
including about 20 Rakhines were also died in six different towns-
Minbya, Mrauk U, Kyaukpyu, Myebon, Pauktaw and Rambre towns of
Southern Arakan state. The dead bodies of 178 those found in Mrauk U
town alone were buried in the graveyard of Yainetay (Zula Fara)
19 Nov 2012 to end of the year, the
village has more than 58 houses and the Nasaka personnel have already
driven out from the village with open fire, then the Rakhines set on
fire the village at 20:00 hour after listening the news at 20:00 hour
from Burma broadcasting service. Arbitrary arrest warrants of
Rohingyas in Maung
with the baseless accusations, arresting with false allegation at
last setting fire of properties.
year 2013: setting
fire of Rohingya own shops total numbering 102 and about 100 houses,
destroying 3 mosques, shooting fired killing at least 50 Rohingyas
and Kaman muslims one of the occasion was brutally killing of 10
Rohingya and another occasion on 8 Jan 2013 where a group of 70
Rohingya families from Kyauktaw crossed
the mountain to come to Buthidaung (particularly
to Fuimali village) were killed.
50 houses and a mosques of Aindaw village along there those
were abandoned by muslim villagers from last year, were also burn
down by following morning on 30 Sept 2013.
26 July, conducting regular nighttime raids to confiscate laptops and
smart-phones, detention Rohingya leaders and rights activist
including Rohingya MP Nominee of 1992, rights activist Aung
Tun Aung,
Cyber activist youth Maung
Than Shwe
and mass arrest of those fleeing violence and persecution in Arakan
state, were detained by Burmese authorities in Thai-Burma border.
establishing Model Villages to populate the Rohingya majority areas
of Arakan by the Rakhaine and Buddhists people, mass rape by Burmese
security forces in a remote village, Killing of Rohingya minor
children, and Rohingya villagers who were arrested by the security
force after 8 June bigoted violence between Rakhine and Rohingya,
were sentenced to 10 years jail.
(Photo: Salem News,
Bulldozer team arrived at Sittwe from Yangon)
some point the government forces frankly replied that they are unable
to control them from continuously occupying the territory and waging
attacks against Rohingya people.
January 2014, many
innocent Rohingyas were inhumanely beaten to death by both local
Rakhine people and authorities. Mass killing of 78 Rohingyas from
township, 11 Rohingyas from Minbya
and Mrauk-U
townships, Duechiradan villagers of Maungdaw
township killed around 50 innocent Rohingyas and mass raped of
women/girls and destroyed many homes were destroyed and their
properties were looted, arbitrarily arrested many Rohingyas and yet
300 people are still missing are believed to have massacred. A few
Rohingyas were also
to death by hospital staffs, gang raped by authorities, forced
vacation and forced labor, at least a hundred houses and shops were
burned down
8 of June 2012, total destruction
across 11 different townships of Arakan,
reached at 97 mosques, about 23,000 houses. Death toll over 12,000
and nearly 200,000 people displaced and number of arbitrary detention
reached at least 12,00 Rohingyas and Kaman muslims mainly from
Maungdaw, Buthidaung and Sittwe townships. Many religious building
and brick made homes of Rohingya were just half destructed from the
attacks of Rakhines but government sent bulldozer team from Yangon to
cleans all remnant building belong to Rohingya.
advance, waters, electric, foods are cut-off and restriction imposed
in Rohingya villages since 3rd
of June. So, it is all about well-planned ethnic-cleansing pogrom
systematically turned into religious violence. Likewise, the
government also shows its sympathy by setting up about 24 relief
centres across various towns and contributing aid to those attacker
Rakhines' family members. While three is no consideration at all
about homeless Rohingya victims of women, children and those injuries
who are starving day by day.
deed, there were no displaced Rakhines at all in the other towns
except from Rakhines who were from the model
of Maungdaw township that relocated on the Rohingya people' lands
under model village settlement program of the government in the late
1991. These Rakhines are also know as Natala villagers. Those
displaced Rakhines in Maungdaw are less than 1,000 people from total
burnt down houses about 100 and they already received enough foods
and goods from the government including those looted from Rohingya
and from the beginning they are separately placed in 4 miles area.
But within two days (8-10 June) authority gathered Rakhines from
Buthidaung and Rathedaung as much as they can. Whenever international
visitors paid visit to Maungdaw Town, they only visited the Buddhist
refugees by the local guidance. In Sittwe, the displaced Rakhines are
less than 500 total from about 50 houses down houses in Mingan
Aug 2012,
high ranking authorities are pressuring
the Yangon based muslim organizations to organize a rally
against UN envoy and foreign intervention. Authority said that they
should do if they want to stay peacefully in the country. The
government's own admission, at least 75% of those arrested in Rakhine
State since June have been Muslims; no government officials, monks,
or security forces have been arrested. Likewise, while 25 Buddhists
were sentenced for their roles in anti-Muslim violence in Meiktila.
Among them, there were no government officials or state security
forces among them.
Rohingyas are totally excluded from Burma and fell into the worst of
the worst part of tragic. The case of Rohingyas is a mix of
similarities that have happen over history like; APARTHEID, SLAVERY &
RACISM, EXTERMINATION.. For decades, Rohingyas have been oppressed,
victimized and terrorized by the both government authorities and
Rakhine people. You may probably aware that the civilian
quasi-government may be fancily viewed as reformist but historically
the central rulers let the nationalists lead against Rohingya during
prior to independence, the military involved in direct cleansings of
Rohingya and lately utilizing Rakhine people.
assume Rohingyans are Aliens (or) Illegals (or) Darks (or) Kalars.
Should they be killed, tortured, and dehumanized? Would their
existences be demolished? Would their religion be insulted? Would
their religious building be turned into monastery?
Armed Rakhines await
after setting fire of Rohingya houses-
vigilant attacks spread into even in central Burma with the lead of
ex-prisoner monk Wirathu,
and threats have been taken place in Miktila and Ramitin townships of
Mandalay region, Hlaing Tharyar, South Dagon, Tharkaytha townships of
Yangon region and various anti-muslim propaganda are widely going on.
about 17 muslim families living in Paletwa township of Chin state are
also still confined over a year as a result of it is situated along
with the Kaladen River connected to Arakan.
failure to effectively address abuses in Rakhine State has had a
pernicious effect, paving the way for the spread of anti-Muslim
sentiment and state-sponsored anti-Muslim violence. In March,
suspiciously well-orchestrated attacks against Muslims - sparked by
trivial altercations - erupted in six
townships in Mandalay Regions
and eight
townships in Pegu Regions,
Magwe and Saigaing regions, displacing about 35,000 Muslims and killing more than a hundred,
including mass killing of 36 mostly teenagers in the small town of
Meiktila. It was later spread to Lashio
in Shan State. In each case, security forces supported.
such as arrows, guns and fuels escalated from attacks are the same
brand mark that means they were made earlier and one factory made. So
far no report has mentioned about such details.
(one factory made arrow
hit at the bamboo wall of a Rohingya house)
worst is that Rohingya, Kaman and Rakhine muslims of all over Arakan
state are also facing food shortage from the beginning as a result of
the government still impose confinement onto them.
the MRTV's conspiracy about 29 arrested Barugwa.
is a popular report of
June 2012 hiding
the reality.
two groups of 29 Barugua (Maramagyi and Hindu religions) people
who also spoke the same language of Rohingya and have similar facial
appearance were red-handed with knives and explosive bottles, the
Burmese officials and local media openly lied by expression that
the authority has captured the
terror armed Bengali/Rohingya.
Sadly, intl news reports also widely reported without justification
such as
group of 29 Rohingyas who tended to revenge were captured'..
All of them are still detained in Sittwe Prison without court hearing
because it could reveal reality once these 29 people would be
appeared in the court as non-Rohingyas and now the authority even not
dare to release them.
is the nature of falsehoods of the government officials and its media
that have been well known to the world. For eg, how the government
official reported during Cyclone Nargis of Irrawaddy Delta in 2008,
and Depayin Massacre of 30 May 2013. However, it seems the intl
rapporteurs have not gone deeper into Burma chapter and their reports
underestimated the crises or poorly calculated. Let compare about
Sittwe township where about 90,000 Rohingya people found displaced.
Were they lived 22 persons per house as every report mentioned about
4,000 houses burnt down there? And how about 50,000 other displaced
in (7) different towns- Maungdaw, Rathedaung, Kyauktaw, Pauktaw,
Rambre, Myebon and Ponnagyuan and how many thousand houses were
destructed in these regions? The
government also fancily described the
of Causalities and Destruction in order to balance up by putting as-
"the number of casualties on both sides at 77 dead and 109
injured, 4,822 houses, 17 mosques, 15d monasteries and three schools
were destroyed, some 14,328 Arakanese Buddhists and 30,740 Rohingya
Muslims have been affected and are currently living in 89 temporary
it is genocide but not clashes, nor melee. The International staffs
of INGOs had to manage to escape for their own life and UN chief
quoted to rescue them. The total contribution of destruction and
causalities is higher than what we thought. It is well planned
genocide and the dead bodies of more than 10,000 Rohingyas were
completely hidden. Some dead bodies found around the graveyard,
remote areas and floating along the beach were also not allowed to
bury. The government is worry the Rohingyas could gather some
evidence of them therefore Rohingyas are still confined. The truth
will not be revealed without the international communities’
independent inquiry.
rest about 65,000 shelter-less mulsim victims comprising Rohingyas,
Kaman and Rakhine muslims in Maungdaw,
Rathedaung, Kyauktaw, Pauktaw, Rambre, Myebon and Ponnagyuan
towns are also still compelled to die from starvation, summary
inhumane abuses and executions going on in Maungdaw, Buthidaung and
Rathedaung towns. And no aid group has visited up to August.
Additional death toll from Southern Arakan who were killed on board
and on land during they escaped, were not yet collected.
attacks and burning down houses were continued
even on the time of visitations by UN envoys Nambiar and Quintana
visits and U.S. president Obama. UN itself has o power to visit
effected areas and Rohingyas but later allowed but was after removal
of dead bodies and other evidences.
monks hold a banner as they protest against the opening of
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) offices in Myanmar on 15
Oct, in front of the city hall in Yangon. -Reuters Photo)
18 demands made in Mayu Conference held in Rathedaung town on 25-26
prescribed an effective law for controlling the birth rate of
put restrictions on the immovable properties of non-citizens, to
form and deploy People's Militia with modern weapons in all villages
of Rakhine,
materialize exact practice on 1982 citizenship law,
to remove the muslim villages along the main
communication streams in the Rakhine state and also to remove the
surrounding Muslim villages of Sittwe University.
leaflet Inciting letter of The
Youth Association of Monk, Sittwe Town, Rakhine state to- Rakhine
people not to do business, associate and communicate with Kalars.
Rohingyas are totally excluded from Burma and fell into the worst of
the worst part of tragic. Rakhine people plus nationalists are badly
opposing Rohingya. They do not sympathize in line with religion nor
humanity. For decades, Rohingyas have been oppressed, victimized and
terrorized by the both government authorities and Rakhine people. You
may probably aware that the civilian quasi-government may be fancily
viewed as reformist but historically the central rulers let the
nationalists lead against Rohingya during prior to independence, the
military involved in direct cleansings of Rohingya and lately
utilizing Rakhine people.
to Massacre”
we know, the Rakhine people have a well-planned to begin attacks on
Arakanese muslim people national Democratic Party (RNDP) led by Dr.
Aye Maung invited at least a thousand of armed Bengali Rakhines from
Bangladesh into Arakan and additionally recruited tens of thousands
of Rakhine people from Taungup, Tandwe and Gwa townships that
includes members of Arakan Liberation Party (ALP). They were brought
to Sittwe and Buthidaung township in several boats and those arrived
in Sittwe were accommodated along the roadside of Sittwe Point and
near the Jetty. Rakhines those entered from Bangladesh have brought
muslim religious dresses and arms that was why they able to portray
with wearing muslim dresses during the attacks. If the local
authority, military forces and border immigration forces did not
involve, how these Rakhine people able to move grouply into
designated area when gathering of more than 3 people and illegal
immigration from foreign are officially restricted in Burma?
scene of protest at No.(1) Polcie Station of Sittwe on 2 June
evening, causing death of two members of protesters and a police.
Causing death of two Rakhines and a police after challenging between
two Rakhine gangs sparked from tender was another factor that Rakhine
people strongly believed it was caused from Nazi market of Rohingya
and so they altered the matter as racial hatre and instigated across
Sittwe town. Meanwhile, A tender of taxation of Nazi market was took
place in Nazi village in between 25 and 27 of May and it was finally
handed to Thein Shwe (aka) Balagyi with 500 Lakhs Kyat who have close
affiliation with Rohingya and shared with a government partisan
educated Rohingya, Khin Maung Hla from Nazi
who is also responsible for selling of the biggest muslim cemetery to
the Rakhine State Command Commander in 2009.
Another trader Aung
Tan Wei
who live in the Minbargyi Street was unhappy with authority’s
partial mode and made confrontation with Balagyi gang therefore he
was detained by police on 2 June and released shortly with condition.
However, his members staged a protest in front of No.(1) station with
about 300 people on 4 June, in response to arrest of their boss (Aung
Tan Wei). So, the police cracked down harshly on the protesters by
shooting rubber bullets, tear gases and arrested a few members.
sectarian attacks turn to ethnic-cleansing that sparked from an
unrelated a Rakhine girl (Ma
Thida Htwe)
dead in her own Rakhine village of Tha-bray-chaung ward of Kyauknimaw
village on 28 May 2012. The
doctor who examined the dead body did not find any evidence of rape
however he was forced to declare as the authority want. After the
Rakhine members of "Wanthanu Rakheta Association"
distributed leaflets of blaming Muslim on the day of 3 June early
morning in Taungup township, ten Muslim pilgrims were killed a head
in a mob attacks by 300 Rakhine Buddhists in Taungup township on the
same day.
several instant vigillant attacks took place to destruct the Foktoli
mosque of the Nazi village, Sittwe/Akyab township during the
mid-nights from the day of Taungup massacre
of 10 Burmese muslim pilgrims on 3 June 2012 and
largely from the day of the loss of two Rakhines and a police.
However, they were unsuccessful and defeated by Rohingya villagers
and local forces eventually interfered whenever Rohingya villagers
strongly stood for defense.
few days later in the afternoon of Friday- 8th June in
Maungdaw, a group of Rakhines and a few police were approached near
the central mosque and standing sporadically on the event of where
Rohingya people were usually gathering for Friday-prayer. Due to
restriction of reconstruction or expansion of religious building, the
existing mosque is small to host more than thousands of people
praying at once on the time of Friday prayer and during holy
religious days therefore many had to stand outside. But Rakhine
people and police authority who were watching this event
misunderstood about the gathering or it is a good point of ignition.
around a hundred of Rakhine people gathered around the mosque and
some Rakhines who speak Rohingya language were also listening to what
Rohingya are praying. Soon, the riot forces surrounded the mosque and
the Rohingya people who were praying. Presenting more police troops
made another invigoration and incitement of the Rakhine people and
began shouting and chanting with humiliating voices and throwing
rocks into the congregation. When all Rohingya prayers came out from
the mosque, the riot police forces started roughly intervention.
many Rohingyas were turned back to home but a group of about 300
hundred Rohingyas did not stop from going to Religious Propagation
Centre of Myoma
village for congregation to pay respect for those 10 muslims brutally
killed in Taungkup
on 3 June 2012. In the meantime, the police authority fired upside
about 40 rounds and Rakhine people were instantly involved in
attackings the mosque and some prayer Rohingyas, caused two Rohingyas
died on the spot and several others seriously injured.
people' involvement in this scene was created furious tense that
mounted several confrontations and attacking against each other
groups on the same day evening. In this manner, some Rakhine houses
in Bomu village were touched that sent a shock wave across all over
the same night of 8th
June, the government authority deployed security forces in
every Rohingya villages of all over Arakan state and confined them
within the village. As well as, subsequently cutting off of the
electricity and waters. Rakhines took that opportunities and armed
deadly weapons of lethal knives, steaks and fuel bottles of patrol
and then began violent attacks against unarmed defenceless Rohingyas
in all over Arakan state. The local security forces who are also
Rakhines were sided with their people and whenever Rohingyas tried to
prevent from attacks and torching fires, local security forces opened
fires at Rohingyas. Again, when Rohingyas were not coming out, the
security forces shot fires into Rohingya houses and those came out
were brutally beaten and slaughtered and those fleeing were shot
fires regardless of women or children. Plus, sexual abuses, looting
goods and cash were also took place spontaneously.
took away every household tools even some good pillars of the houses
before setting fires at Shwebya,
Yat (Fishing village),
Zayhaung Mawleik (Rohingya Fara)
villages of Sittwe town.
(Photo: Salem News):
Rakhines holding weapons during declaring of Act Of Law 144 inside
the Sittwe town
the beginning, the government authorities did not install Curfew and
Order on aggressive Rakhine people who are openly doing crimes. As
well as, the local armed forces who were acting as security forces
are allowed to shoot Rohingyas. It was almost
one month from 8 June, the Rohingyas of Sittwe and secondly
Rathedaung and thirdly Maungdaw towns were heavily attacked by both
Rakhines and government security forces.
were ending-up between gun-fires of security forces and lethal knives
of Rakhine people. This time they can’t escape because security
forces rounded up all the way out, those hiding in remote areas were
also slaughtered by Rakhines and security forces and then the navy
forces are patrolling across the beach and eliminating them in the
The dead bodies of a
group of Rohingyas including kids, believed to be shot dead on broad}
a few thousands able to escape and the
death toll of Rohingyan passed more than (10,000)
from Sittwe town alone and a few thousands covering Maungdaw,
Rathedaung and Kyauktaw townships. Most of them were shot dead,
brutally beaten to death, burnt alive and killings of thousands of
the rest of those taken away by security forces into hidden areas. In
the meantime,
authority are arresting Rohingya elders and youths from every village
of Sittwe, Maungdaw, Rathedaung and Kyauktaw townships and framing
them with false charges. The dead bodies of more
than 10,000 Rohingyas were completely hidden. Some dead bodies found
around the graveyard, remote areas and floating along the beach were
also not allowed to bury. The government is worry the Rohingyas
could gather some evidence therefore confinement in placed.
Taking away Rohingyas
in one of the occasions
received enough foods and goods from the government including those
looted from Rohingyas. Rakhines in Maungdaw town have been separately
shifted to 4 miles area. But within two days (8-10 June), the
authority gathered Rakhines from Buthidaung and Rathedaung as much as
they can and wrongfully presented them as refugees. During UN envoy
visited in Kyienchaung village of Maungdaw, the authority also
presented a few Hindhu people who also speak Rohingya language as
Rohingya and forcing them to say they are safe and the situation is
Escaping of Sectarian Attacks Ending-up in the Prison:
a result of the turbulent weather in the sea and additional
intolerant treatment in Bangladesh, many survivor displaced Rohingyas
are trying to reach into eastern Burma border by land after escaping
from state sponsored genocide. Whenever they were captured, the local
media including MR-tv always use draconian words such as 'a
flock of illegal Bengali intruders captured'..
are more than 150 Rohingyas in six different occasions were arrested
in Kalay town (central Burma) from June 2012 and all are detained in
Mon Rwa Prison of Sagaing division. According to reliable source, all
of them were arrested by a newly formed organization call the
“Myochit Lungay Aphwe” (Loyalist Youth Association) and handed
over to police authority.
are total about 150 Rohingyas involving 52 persons were arrested in
Kalay town from June 2012 and all are still detained in Mon Rwa
Prison of Sagaing division. According the source, all of them were
arrested by by a newly formed organization call the Myochit Lungay
Aphwe (Loyalist Youth Association) and handed over to police
A group of Rohigyas
surrounded in Kalay town of Sagaing Division
are many other arrested in the inland waters and seas are punished to
death or unknown. Including a group of 130 Rohingyas who fled
sectarian attacks arrested in an island of Gwa township of Arakan on
24 June. But a boat load of 78 Rohingyas recently captured in
Kawtaung waters of Thaninthayi divison and lifted to Yangon and then
transferred to Sittwe on 9 Nov.
8 Jan 2013- “A group of 70 Rohingya families from Kyauktaw
crossed the mountain to come to Buthidaung
(particularly to Fuimali village)
due to unbearable situations there and starvation as Rakhines and the
authorities blocked all sources of food supply to Rohingya people. On
the way many including women and children were brutally killed and
raped by Rakhines, Murung, and Naskaka. Many women were seen brought
naked without clothes into the Fuimali villages by Nasaka as
witnessed by many in the Fuimali markets.”
Another group of 12 Rohingyas of Kyauktaw town were arrested
by Police when they were entering into Nay Pyi Taw on 12 Feb 2013.
those took over by Rakhines were definitely executed. Some
Rohingya those attempted to escape by boats through the sea were sank
into the sea by firing launchers
by navy forces and those captured in inland-waters were defined as
illegal intruders and terrorists and then punished to unknown.
party openly declared the bounty reward for every dead Rohingya. He
openly declared the displaced Rohingyas to sign the documents that
state that they are illegal immigrants that have no claim to Burmese
citizenship therefore to deport the Rohingya. When the Rohingya in
the camp refused to sign the documents, the authority threatened the
Rohingya victims that no signing would no aid ever made it through
the blockades again including aid from foreign organizations. With
cooperation of the governemtn, the RNDP has also begun encouraging
Rakhine from Bangladesh and impoverished areas of the Arakan to move
into Rohingya villages. While homeless Rohingya victims are not
allowed to relocate on their lands, the authorities are planning to
locate Rakhine people on the Rohingya people' lands by constructing
new houses. From early February 2013, the project has been under
scope and an Arakan state lawmaker from Sittwe U Aung Mra Kyaw said
the project of 669 homes for homeless Buddhist refugees is being
implemented at Sat Ro Kya Creek
area which is former place of Nazi village situated along the creek.
brutally killing after
to normalize nor restore peace and stability”
the violence by Rakhine people have been reduced for some moment, the
atrocities of tyrant and arbitrary
abuses that include raping women and girls, looting and vandalizing
of properties and goods, extortion, arbitrary prosecution and
punishment, summary execution of taking away,
particularly in Northern Arakan-NRS of Maungdaw, Buthidaung and
Rathedaung townships. The government and Rakaine state minster
who is also Rakhine people party-RNDP's leader and high-ranking
authorities are officially preventing supplying food and or finding
or managing foods of Rohingya victims.
those remain in Arakan became homeless and confined as detainees with
constant harassment and without foods. This time they lost
everything. Weekly, at least 7 to 20 people mostly children and elder
are additionally dying from starvation and lack of medication. They
received no aid up to the first week of July.
condition of very few Rohingyas, Kamans and Rakhine muslims living in
the other regions of Kyauktaw, Rambre, Mrauk Oo, Minbya, Myebon,
Pauktaw, Kyaukpu townships is unknown. UN Organizations do not have
formal contact with these regions. Primarily, their lives and
survival are much in the hands of local Rakhines and authorities.
While the government officially banned food supply.
{In Oct 2012,
Continuous protests asking the remaining Aungmingala Quarter to be
relocated outside the Sittwe town. Another sign also asks to expel
the Rohingya villages near the new college that in deed build on the
farming lands of Rohingya of Furan Fara and opened from year 2000.}
Political parties agreed that they should have an army stronger than
Kachin , their main demands are building a strong military of their
own, autonomy and annihilation of Rohingya people. Unlike
Kachin State, the
government give chances to Rakhine, either government is developing
racism or Rakhine Buddhists control the whole Myanmar; 90% of monks
in Myanmar are Rakhine, most of them knew Bangali language , and most
of have relatives in Bangladesh who are Bangladeshi.
16 Feb 2013, The
Burmese government supplies ten guns to each Rakhine village
in Northern Maungdaw.
The Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) and Rakhine National Development
Party (RNDP) formed a youth group having a leader to every Rakhine
village who are under training with gun and long swords to attack
Rohingya at any time.
Photo (Salem News):
Government allows Rakhine community to have own Rakhine army forces
by side, with corporation of the gov, the
RNDP has also begun encouraging Rakhine from Bangladesh and
impoverished areas of the Arakan to move into Rohingya villages.
homeless Rohingya victims are not allowed to relocate on their lands,
the authorities are planning to locate Rakhine people on the Rohingya
people' lands by constructing new houses. From early February 2013,
the project has been under scope and an Arakan state lawmaker from
Sittwe U Aung Mra Kyaw said the project of 669 homes for homeless
Buddhist refugees is being implemented at Sat Ro Kya Creek area which
is former place of Nazi village situated along the creek.
(designation letter of
ALP for financing for emergency arms)
the result of having restriction over foreign journalists, the local
Burmese news groups and anti-Rohingya bloggers are able to report the
way they like and play a major role of bias through inciting
anti-Rohingya propagandas and portraying the Rohingyas as terrorists.
They provide reverse informations by filming of-- the dead bodies of
Rohingyans after defaming their faces and dressing-up the
yellow-robes of monk; handing guns on captive Rohingyans; the fake
actions of Rakhines by wearing muslim religious dresses; and rushing
towards burning Rohingya houses and extinguishing fire by raising
voices like their houses. Yangon Press International, VOA , RFA and
other anti-Rohingya news agencies are among them and release
fabricated news from the beginning. Those sorts of fabrications
including an individual case of single murder case have been widely
and repeatedly aired across the nation and trying to excuse the
ongoing crime of Arakan.
Perpatriator & Armed Gang Sentence”
Rakhines who led the violences village to village are escalated as
below. These people are well known to Rohingya people and their
famous receive well gratitude through
people' network.
Sittwe township:
Shwe Tha Zin Hotel owner Tan Shwe,
2) Kiss Hotel owner Kyaw Thein (led in
Nazi and Santoli),
3) Win Maunk
umbrella shop owner,
4) Aung Thu
Kha photo shop owner,
Shwe Nyo Nyo lottery and medicine shop owner,
6) Workers of Sein Video Hall,
7) U
Maung Tan Hlaing from ward(2/Kha) of Min-Gan village, (who stage the
riot firstly in Sittwe and taking refuge in Rwa U monastry of Min Gan
Chairman U Tan Win of Aungmingala quarter,
9) RNDP member Balagyi,
10) Mg
Thein (member former weight player)
11) Sayadaw U Pinya Zya Ra (monk) who was imprisoned for
similar riot creation in Sittwe during Feb 2001 after entered from
other towns:
Police officer Aung Kyaw Khant, the police officer U Than Tin, U Thai
Lin Soe and Sergeant U Hla Myint and Paramilitary officer Than Htin
from Maungdaw town.
Chief inspector U Tin Oo from Rathedaung township.
President Dr. Tun Aye of RNDP Kyauktaw..
Rambre town:
the village clerk Mya Thaung
2) rich-man Mye Pu
3) trader Ango Chi
(aka) Tan Tun
4) trader Yae Tun
5) police chief Kaung Thu
lawyer Ba Chaing, origin from Kyaukpyu town, and
7) Aye Maung from Rakhine
party member
to Burmese newspaper report of 21 July,
the government and Rakhine party-RNDP have taken step to arm its
Rakhine people. It said, "Associations like public military will
be formed in Maungdaw. It will be formed by ethnic nationals to
protect from different races' terrorizing". It is nothing more
than another mode of promotion to exterminate remaining Rohingyas. It
is one of the reason why armed Rakhine gangs were never faced
sentenced despite they were captured in severe occasions as below:
A police patrol team found out 18 guns in the forest near Nyung Kron
village under Let Way Dak village tract of Buthidaung Township 0n
March 2013. The
other Police personnel grabbed 28 hand-made guns in a valley near
Pri long mountain range
situated between Myauk Taung and Malar village on 14 March 2013 in
Kyauk Taw Township where violence had occurred and slaughtered many
Rohingyas. Simultaneously, they had got 29
guns more in the jungle of Alar Taung Mountain, five miles away from
Nga Saung Bek village in Kyauk Taw.
Feb, a
boat load with about 200 arms, was apprehended by government
military in a Rakhine village of Taungpauk village.
Earlier this, about 20 items of hidden bombs in a Mro village
call Athak
Gauk Rwa,
were discovered after a Mro-villager reported to military.
A gang of Rakhines with six guns and explosives devices have been
by military forces in Khaungdok
Rakhine village situated between two muslim villages of Falom
and muslim-Khaungdok
Kyauktaw town on 21 Aug 2012.
armed gang of Rakhine
with 14 automatic rifles, two pistols and huge of exclusives, have
been arrested from Taung
Rakhine village by military battalion-378 in Kyaukatw township on 9
Aug. As we received information, there were two more other armed
gangs arrested from the same areas but they were unable to confirmed
from Nagaya
who were arrested with arms at around 18:00pm of 16 June and for
involving in an arson attack of Rohingya village of Apaukwa
were released after the protest of about 500 Rakhines protested in a
park of Kyauktaw town on 17 June.
wearing muslim religious dresses and leaving after attacking of
Rohingya village- Khaungdok
Kyaukataw town, were arrested by military on 17 June.
military arrested 4
armed Rakhines
from Bakagonena
which is between three mile and Kawlizabanga village evening of 14
June. The armed four Rakhines confessed that there are other
Rakhines with arms in Maungdaw.
arrested 12
armed Rakhines
-ex members of Arakan Liberation Party (ALP)- with 8 automatic
Rifles and 8 long swords during the midnight of 13 June at Ngakura
village of Maungdaw northern while they were climbing towards the
bank of Purma river near by Khine
(Rakhine ) village. They went there by a rowing boat from Chowdary
(Mritna Yawa) para
under Teknaf Upazila, Bangladesh . After arrest, they were handed to
the Burma border security force (Nasaka) Headquarters.
Nov 2012, the
Burmese army arrested 17 Rakhines with arms and ammunition at
Burmese border security force (Nasaka) area number 1- a Rakhine
village near the Bandullah camp.
author with the pseudonym "Marga Thitsar" of the article,at
{Toe-Tat-Yay Newsletter (Volume 2, Issue 12), a political publication
of the RNDP}, published in Nov 2012, titled "If Rakhine State
Disintegrates" and featured in the Toe-Tat-Yay, hatefully
insults Islam and Muslims of Myanmar.
and the government authorities will judge whether Rohingyas are less
human beings or not worth to live alive. The government practically
disposing Rohingya into refugee camps and handing over to United
Nation to find a third country by misclaiming security threat.
such cleansing pogroms were took place against Rohingya in years
1942, 1949, 167/68, 1978 and later of 1991. This time it's well
organized that Rakhine people received direct supports from the
government armed forces.
Rohingya people occasionally face intolerable
violences are also part of the government's responsibility for
strucking Rohingya from citizenship right under 1982-new citizenship
based on the changes of Rakhine state from Arakan state in 1974.
Unlike we understand, the rejection of Rohingya is not relevant on
settlement prior to 1948 or 1824 because Rohingyas do have sufficient
evidences. But the rejection is based on the twist of Arakan to
Rakhine because Arakan or Arakanese comprised all inhabitants within
her when the term Rakhine only represent Rakhine people.Since
Gwa, Taungup, Tandwe and Ponnagyuan townships defined as
muslim-free-zones within Arakan state from year 1983,
there were several hundreds of Rohingyans been killed in similar way
in these regions and such crime will be continued to carry until the
government implemented such draconian act.
This is a certain
consequence in Rohingya history again very soon after Rakhine rebel
group- "Arakan
Liberation Party-ALP"
entered into Arakan state. We don't know the secrecy of what type of
promise established between Rakhine rebel-ALP and the government plan
to exclude Rohingya from the next census which said to be conducted
by 2014. Either, it is the tactic to dismay the democratization by
means of military intervention.
The situation in
Arakan is abusive and totally horror even in normal condition that
every month at least hundred of Rohingyans were arrested with false
charges and a few died during interrogation. Despite Rakhines people
wrongfully describe Rohingyans are recent migrants, in deed in the
past five decades there were no Rakhine settlement found in the
territory of Northern Rakhine State. Today Rakhines those found in
these regions were came from the program of model village settlement
by the government from year 1991. It's true that there are a few
hundred thousands of Bengali people in Burma but they are mostly
living in central Burma and Mon state. In Arakan state, Bengali
population is not more than a few hundreds.
day by day Rohingyas are dying and disappearing by hundred from
continuous arbitrary arrest, brutal abuses, starvation and lack of
medication. Their cattle and goats, farming lands and crops were
already taken away by Rakhines while all Rohingya in Arakan are
confined within their houses. They can’t escape, they are trapped
between the bullets of the authority and the knives of Rakhines.
Rakhines are still chanting all over the town to cleans the remaining
were 176 ethnic groups in Burma during 1923 listed under British so
Rohingya and other muslim ethnics were listed with their origin
ethnic names. The
Rohingya were recognized as an indigenous ethnic community by the
Burma’s first prime minister U Sao Shawe Thaik and again repeated
the declaration as an indigenous ethnic community of Myanmar by U Nu
government in 1954.
1962, Ne Win listed 143 ethnic groups, counted muslims from Northern
Arakan listed as Cittagongnian race and muslims from Southern Arakan
listed as Kaman muslims.
in 1982 new citizenship Act listed all of them as Bengali or
Foreigner and disqualifying them from citizenship. Similarly,
others types of Muslims in Burma are also applied similarly. They are
also like Rohingyas not allow to recourse to become new citizenship
with own identity under the new Citizenship Act.
to figure out accurate number of the total Arakan population is
difficult because the government's immigration figure states just
around 4 millions in 2009 that always excludes Rohingya population of
both inside and outside. The inclusion of Islam religion in that 4
million figure is just covered Kaman muslims and Rakhine muslims
living in Sittwe, Rambre, Minbya, Mrauk Oo, Tandwe and Myebon
the various intl reports of estimating around 800,000 Rohingyas is
just for Northern Arakan/Rakhine (NRS) that doesn't count the
Rohingyas living in Southern Arakan of Sittwe, Kyauktaw, Mrauk Oo,
Kyaukpyu and Pauktaw townships.
population would be the sum of those excluded number of Rohingyas
from both north and south of Arakan and hidden number of recent
Bengali Rakhine migrants from Bangladesh and recent Burman
settlements. It is no doubt that they all will be made about 7
“In this newspaper
report of July 1961, it was written- "National Rohingyans
living within Mayu district are, nationals of Union of Myanmar".
in exile, Burmese nationalities who seek refuge and championing in
human rights, too are opposing the plight of Rohingya and
misinforming across the social networks and in various propaganda
meetings. When intl communities and developed countries have invested
for Burma democratization, such foreign instigation might also be
Rohingya IDs issued in
1978 written Rohingya ethnicity
not untrue that there is no Bengali population in Burma but Bengali
population is not more than a few hundreds in Arakan. However, it is
also hard to determine whether their ancestral were truly Bengali
because for centuries the old Bengal(East Pakistan) and Arakan were
well enacted and ruled over each other and there were uncountable
exoduses in these two regions, particularly in power transition
periods of 957, 1044, 1406, 1544, 1660, 1752, 1775, 1782, 1784, 1785,
1794, 1796, 1798, 1799, 1811, 1930, 1938, and 1942. For eg,
(Rohingyans those fled during Burma King Bo Daw invasion of Arakan in
1784 and
the revolution in 1794-96
against Burman ruler, were able to returned after British rule
installed in 1824 largely happened in 1885. After 80 years so those
returnees were second or the third generations of those fled in 1824
and 1796?)
1992 in Northern Arakan, Rophingyas were compelled to accept white
colour “Temporary
Registration Cards-TRCs”, locally known as "white cards"-
that written Bengali race and that acquired to attain Travelling
Permit form(4)
for travelling purpose, even village to village. This was nothing but
a design to degrade their national status and put them in a state of
reports of huge payment for attaining travelling permit, taxation in
at least eight gates for one way to Sittwe from Maungdaw, arbitrary
punishment and fine in case failed to report on time and extortion,
were uncountable. Upon arrival in other town, needing again to report
at 12 quarters..
Rohingya and Kaman in Arakan/Rakhine state:
are about 110,000 Rohingyans and Kamans displaced people reside in 13
camps while many thousands joined with relative houses in
Sittwe/Akyab township. Additional about 55,000 displaced Rohingyas
and Kamans who are left to unreachable by aid workers in eight other
different towns are left to unknown. The rest of Rohingya and Kaman
population total about a million are also still confined and facing
constant abuses.
Rakhine children are freely attending the government schools, the
Rohingya youths those teaching Rohingya kids, distribute rations,
translate language, provide medical assisitance in concentration
camps, are instantly targeted by camp authorities. Therefore many
Rohingya youths were fled into neighbouring countries.
Rohingya refugees in Sittwe debris areas had to struggle in raining
season and day night they wet- the waters raised up to one feet so
they wet day or night whenever rain began.
Situation in Exile:
tyrannical persecutions in home country, drives nearly a million of
Rohingya people into neighbouring countries from the past 5 decades
and they became Burma's first refugees. As a result of similar
problems they face in transit countries and remain unwanted anywhere,
some of them risked their lives through secondary migration to
developed countries and plus a few numbers resettled through UNHCR
but only from 2001. Today Rohingya refugees can be seen in
Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, Thailand,
Cambodia India, Pakistan, KSA, UAE, USA, British, Canada, Norway,
Denmark, Germany, Sweden, France, Finland, Australia, Japan, Korea,
China and some transferee Rohingyan refugees in Nauru and PGN pacific
island nations.
and Total Boats Sank in International Waters from June 2012:
to UNHCR, from the beginning of violence from 2012 June, total about
95,000 of Rohingyas and Kamans have been crossed into neighboring
the number of Rohingya boat people languishing in the custody of the
Thai authorities, assisted by IOM, reached a peak of over 2,000
people by end of 2013, plus existing hidden number of about 40,000
Rohingyas including many in various slave labours .
area based leaders estimate about 45,000 Rohingyas and Kaman living
since earlier of 1990 where about 3,000 are recent arrivals through
the borders but recorded only five boat arrivals including Singapore
turn away boat
from Decmeber 2012.
at least 40,000 Rohingyas and Kaman displaced refugees crossed into
Bangladesh and therefore the border guards pushed them back in many
occassion and resulting more than one thousand drown to death in about
total 15 boats. Existing number of more than 300,000 Rohingya
refugees including overcrowdedly living about 40,000 in UNHCR runs
squalid refugee camps of Kutupalong and Nayapara in southern district
of Cox’s Bazar, have been there from the past three decades.
Rohingyans those living outside the camps are never counted as
reufgess. The UNHCR has resettled less than thousand Rohingyas from
the registered camps since the year 2006. The enormous problems in
Bangladesh are direct impacts on vulnerable Rohingya refugees in
Bangladesh and the government accuses intl communites for keeping the
Rohingya matter alive.
there are about a thousand in detention custodies and the rest other
more than 2,000 Rohingyas and Burmese muslims are somehow living in
various locations. And Resettlement of the Rohingya refugees to
Australia began from the end of 2011.
refugees arrived during 1942, 1978, 1992 numbered about 500,000 and
the majority living in Mecca’s slums of (Naqqasha and Kudai) and
Jeddah. The government has subsequently announce to issued tempo-visa
but never been materialized.
India: The Rohingya refugees living in India are never appeared
publicly but a group of 1,500 Rohingya
displaced in Hyderabad city came
to highlight.
Cambodia: According to JRS, there are 17 recognized Rohingya
refugees and four still seeking status by June 2013 while others
have moved on.
world most persecuted Rohingya issue remains unsettled ever even in
exile. Whenever the Rohingya issues recurred sporadically, it has
been put to deal with human trafficking measure. The neighboring
countries do not find further option accept from sending back into
the danger of where they came from.
it is the time that the UN and its super power countries are in
position to interfere by deploying intl peace keeping forces in order
to ensure to guarantee the dignity and rights and the continuous
co-existences of Rohingya in Arakan State. And elimination of all
forms of abuses, discrimination and humiliation against Rohingya in
the same time.
people have been occasionally facing gross human rights violations
that are also part of the government's responsibility for
strucking-off of Rohingya citizenship right under 1982-new illegal
based on the changes of Rakhine state from Arakan state in 1974.
Unlike we understand, the rejection of Rohingya is not relevant on
settlement prior to 1948 or 1824 because Rohingyas do have sufficient
evidences. But the rejection is based on the twist of Arakan to
Rakhine because Arakan or Arakanese comprised all inhabitants within
her when the term Rakhine only represent Rakhine people.
atrocities committed by military generals and their people are never
taken into account and somehow in some cases as a result of intl
pressures the government just formed Inquiry Commission and Human
Rights Commission by its own people in order to favour intl communities but was fully conspiracy like it responded for Depayin
Massacre of 30 May 2003 and Sept 2007 Saffron Revolution. Therefore
relying on the falsehood government will be additional negligence of
the humanitarian crises across the country. The issues of ethnic
cleansing against minorities in Burma have been well known to the
intl communities therefore the world mechanism body like UN has yet
to take appropriate action and to end the humanitarian crisis across
the country because the quasi-civilian ruler just praising in the
name of the so call democracy transition and allowing open genocide
filed. Nevertheless, the flows of refugees in transit countries will
be remained alive.
is no other option except from foreign intervention. We don't know
how long they have to suffer continuously. We don't know how many
more lives would be lost.. All aid supplies are reached to government
designated relief centres where authority places perpetrator Rakhine
family members only. Burmese authorities do not bother to oppress
remaining Rohingya people on the absence of United Nation's effective
representation. Today Rohingya have no place in Burma.
The UN's binding resolutions will only enable to
ease the Arakan crises therefore, this matter of Rohingya is directly
requires UN's effective intervention urgently. There is in need of
United Nation and international communities to directly monitor the
situation. International communities including the world leaders need
to take against the Burmese government and its partisans those
involved in crimes against humanity that would enable to restore Law
and Order and to share equal rights of native Rohingya people
including their citizenship right.
Malaysia takes in 40 Rohingya shipwreck survivors
Rohingya exiles struggle to survive in India