Wednesday 22 August 2012

Destruction of Religious Buildings Continues in Maungdaw Town

By NDPHR(exile),

There is still no sign of normalization of the situation in Arakan that require firstly to restoration of Law and Order on the aggressive Rakhine people to halt all kind of attacks against Rohingyas and the returning of homeless Rohingya victims to their lands and reconstruction of their houses.

Except from a few Rohingya villages in townside of Sittwe and Kyauktaw, no Rohingya in all over Arakan were able to perform the recent Holy Religious Day (EID) as a result of religious leaders are in target and the mosques are locked and then Rakhine people are gangly threatening for further attacks.

Rohingyas are still confined and facing constant attacks of the atrocity of the government forces and Rakhine people. The Rakhine people and the local authorities are continued to disadvantage on the lack of international communities.

According to Mohd Husson Ali,
On 21 Aug, around 40 police from Maungdaw police station departed for Maungdaw south by the two trucks at 4:00pm. They reached at Mawrawaddy (Na Ta La) Rakhine village at 5:00pm and met with the Rakhine villagers. Then, 2 police went to Alethenkyaw Sa-Ra-Pa camp to call the in-charge Sergent Than Win by the motor-bike. For a while, they came back and walked towards Tha-Ye-Kon-Bon village accompanied with Rakhine youths of Mawrawaddy (Na-Ta-La) village. 45 minutes later, the group arrived at Tha-Ye-Kon-Bon military camp and discussed with the Na-Ta-La Rakhine villagers.
About 8:00pm, security forces jointly Rakhine villagers approached to the historic Kala Masajed (Ka La Mosque) which is two furlongs far from the south of Na Ta La village and The-Ye-Kon-Bon religious school. Then they started demolishing of the Mosque and its school up to 12:00am and destroyed all Holy Religious books.

Again on 5 Aug, around 12:00pm, the joint security forces with Rakhines of 3-mile Na-Ta-La villagers, destroyed the historic mosque which is situated at Maungdaw 3-mile, not so for from the west of Maungdaw UNHCR Office. 

As we received information, the high ranking authorities are enhancing the Yangon based muslim organizations to organize  a rally against UN envoy and foreign intervention. Authority said that they should do if they want to stay peacefully in the country.

The 'OCHA' report no.7 covered between
27 July to 15 August which entirely based on the government, stated disregard of ground reports by putting at death toll 87, destruction over 5,300 houses. It also states 63 camps in Sittwe, Kyauktaw and Maungdaw Townships, of which nine camps in Sittwe are sheltering close to 60,000 IDPs.

We are very much disappointed with OCHA as an INGO reports just based on the falsehood of the government and widely circulating across the net.
In reality, as per information came from the ground, the Kyaukatw town alone has the death toll about 100. The total death toll in all over Arakan is more than (10,000) people, burned and destructed about (16,000) houses plus (55) mosques from 69 muslim villages across eight different towns of Arakan state. While the number of injuries, rapes, looting, arbitrary abuses is uncountable.
More than 60,000 homeless Rohingyas in Sittwe alone but less than half of them have been listed in five refugee camps and receiving very poor assistance.
Except from Maungdaw town, the rest about 20,000 shelter-less mulsim victims comprising Rohingyas, Kaman and Rakhine muslims in Rathedaung, Kyauktaw, Pauktaw, Rambre, Myebon and Ponnagyuan towns are still compelled to die with starvation. And no aid has been provided from the beginning. They received little food some times delivered by their relatives through sneaky way.
As well as, Arakanese muslims in all over Arakan state are also facing food shortage from the beginning as a result of the government still impose confinement on them.

The displaced number of Rakhines is less than 500 people from burnt down houses about 50 of Mingan village of Sittwe town and less than 1000 people from about 100 houses total of Maungdaw township. However, there are more than 60 relief centers are unnecessarily set up for them from the beginning  and continuously pouring intl aid.

International communities particularly those distributing aid groups must browse the exact affected locations and escalate genuine victims rather than
unnecessarily pouring the aid.

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