Report includes brand new video from inside a Myanmar detention camp for Rohingya Muslims.
Count them, nine children, in an area the size of one king size bed, Burma is forcing this on a minority culture. |
(SACRAMENTO, CA) - The people of Burma are suffering because one side, even in this day and age, believes it can literally rid itself of an entire minority population.
He was shot in his abdomen by police |
The Buddhists here are in many cases, marauding killers and the Muslims are in danger of being wiped out. Those sill alive are mostly in detention camps as one Rohingya village after another has been burned.
With the backing of the government, the Rakhine Buddhist population is seeing many of its members acting out in a blood lust, laying waste to people who have always been neighbors.
Americans have had their nation for a little more than 200 years, and there is no question who this country is in the hands of.
So viewing 200 years as a benchmark, it seems that at least by U.S. standards, if we can prove that Muslim people lived in Burma two centuries ago or thereabouts, it should silence this ridiculous position of the Rakhine Buddhists there who claim the Rohingya Muslims are 'illegal immigrants from Bangladesh'.
An 1826 British government document on the cultures and inhabitants of Burma, today known as Myanmar, settles any lingering arguments over whether Muslims have lived here for hundreds of years.
The report is drafted for George Swinten Esquire, Secretary to Government in the Secret and Political Department, Fort William, the material begins with: has the full document and will find a way to upload and attach. |
- I, having made a tour through the province of Arracan, and its dependencies Ramree, Cheduba and Sandoway and having inspected the localities of the frontier and debouchments of the mountain passes, I am not enable with the aid of information collected from various sources, respectfully to submit for the consideration of the Right Honorable, the Governor General in council, a short report of the character of the country, history, population, productions and manners and customs of the inhabitants.
The confident author of the report states...
- The extent of the Population has been tolerably well ascertained, proved a census taken by Mr. Robertson, and myself, and may be considered as approximating very nearly to the truth.
With plenty of references for their work, the authors note many details about the state of Burma in 1826 and they were given the country full accepted history up to that point in time and it is an incredible look back into time,
Just as it is today, Burma was the constant scene of insurgency and a hotbed for strife and political disagreement, people were waylaid unexpectedly and murder was constant.
- According to the chronology of the Mughs, the present year of our Lord 1826 corresponds with 1188 of their Era, which was established in honor of Goadmah, who introduced the worship of Boodhism into these regions during the reign of Chainda Soorea Gota and built the famous Temple of Mahamooneechuck, when the religion of Boodhas had been universally adopted.
Without question the importance of the Buddhist faith or Boodhism as it is referenced in this 1826 report, is noted and prominent, but there is never a point in this period of history where ethnic strife is problematic; tolerance for others actually seems higher in these days than in modern times.
The Smoking Gun
This proof of Muslim roots in Burmese culture is vivid and clear:
Punay Khyong 26. lbrahim - an Araracan Mussalman
- This man is an old inhabitant of the village and rendered considerable service to the army in its advance, he has since been appointed by captain Drummond asst. 2 Wn. Genl. to the Head of the Intelligence Dept. and has been investted with the charge of this village as a reward for past and an incentive to future exertions.
Definition of Mus·sul·mannoun \ˈmə-səl-mən\ by Merriam-Webster.comOrigin of MUSSULMAN
Turkish müslüman & Persian musulmān, modification of Arabic muslimFirst Known Use: circa 1583
And then another listed source right after that that seems even more significant; remember this is 1826:
Sheikh,Soojah Kazee - An ArraCan Mussalman
- This individual whose name must be familiar to government is regarded at the chief of all the Mussalman in Arracan, under the Burmese he held by a tenure somewhat similar to that of a Jageerdar in Hindoostan nearly one third of the province.
- Such a seigneuryit would have been impolite and unjust to allow him to retain, but it was at the same time expedient to prevent his feeling being hurt at the change of ruler, and therefore an extensive and fertile portion of the District has been left under his charge.
All of the images you are seeing here and the video are totally exclusive and have not been seen by any member of the public until now.
This blatant religious genocide of Rohingya taking place right under the nose of the American leaders like Hillary Clinton and while the media sleeps at the wheel, is infuriating.
I don't have much to report at this point, but the article I wrote two days ago about the poor man who was 'tortured to death' brought the attention of a physician whose job is determining whether people have been physically tortured. (Tortured to Death in Burma - Extremely Graphic!) I will report more on that as it develops and in the meanwhile anyone with information please send it to our newsroom, my address is below.
While it seemed fairly obvious it was not clear and now it is tentatively confirmed that the man was a victim of torture and we reported yesterday that the jail in Sittwe where this is taking place is full of victims whose bodies are reportedly being disposed of in unmarked and undisclosed graves by the government.
Also from my contact who sent the photos and video:
- "We heard Malaysian ship docked at Sittwe dock which brought 500 tons of different items, here to the camps, some people came and gave 50 boxes each for three camps, after then disappeared, There are thousands of international aids in the news but in reality, refugees in the camps and Rohingya Muslims in Rathedaund, Pauktaw, Kyauktaw, Minpya are mostly starving, and they have no medication, everyday, children and aged people die. Wahtever aids come to Arakan State, I think, only one-tenth go camps and the rest 9- tenth is for Rakhine and military."
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